Email Marketing Tips for Fitness Industry Professionals

Email is a powerful tool to build strong relationships with your audience.

By sending out helpful information, promotions, and reminders, you’re letting your customers know that you care about their business. 

And in most situations, a customer will come to your website or visit your gym just to try once class. 

After the initial contact point, they will be gone forever. Email ensures that you keep in contact with customers. It could even encourage them to become permanent members.

Retaining new customers is much easier (and cheaper) than getting new ones. And email marketing allows you to keep your current customer base and maximize your return on investment.

The fitness industry marketing can significantly benefit from automated email marketing. This guide goes over ways you can ramp up your email marketing for gyms.

  • Email marketing trends and predictions
  • 5 email templates for gyms and fitness services
  • How email marketing compares to other marketing methods

But first, why is email marketing so important?

What Are The Benefits of Email Marketing?

Email is a customer-centric medium that delivers impeccable results. Take a look at how effective email marketing for gyms can be:

Targeted Personalized Content

An impersonal experience is one sure-fire way to turn your subscribers off.

Email marketing allows you to segment your audience into different groups based on their preference. This way, you can craft the perfect subject lines and images that resonate with your customers. 

Why is personalization so important? 80 percent of customers are more likely to purchase from a brand that provides a personalized experience.

And marketers who used segmented campaigns could see as much as a 760 percent increase in revenue.

Enhanced Brand Recognition

Fitness industry marketing emails make it easy to brand your messages. But brand recognition is more than a beautiful design. Consistently providing your audience with valuable content allows them to recognize and eventually look forward to your emails.

Increased Sales

According to data from the Direct Marketing Association, 66 percent of consumers have made a purchase due to a marketing email. And 59 percent of marketers say that email is the largest source of ROI. 

Promoting your business through email gives your audience the chance to make a purchase right from their mobile device or computer. 

Emails campaigns can feature relevant products or services and encourage and deliver special offers. 

And the more personalized and targeted your content is, the likely your subscriber will take action.

Strong Connection With Your Audience

If your audience feels like you’re being too sales-y, they’ll abandon your brand. On the other hand, when your customers feel like they can talk to you, they will more likely become loyal.

By consistently providing your audience with relevant content, you build a stronger relationship. When you give customers valuable content, they will grow to appreciate your brand and trust you.

Not to mention, email marketing keeps your audience during every time of the year — whether it’s a slow or busy season.

Increased Traffic to Your Website

You can include links to your site within your email content. You can also use an email campaign to engage with other content on your website.

For example, you could send emails to let your customers know about a new fitness dance class. Some of your members might have missed out on this opportunity if they hadn’t received an email.

You can then fill spots to this class quickly by promoting it via email instead of waiting for reservations to slowly come in.

In the same way, you can remind your audience to check out a recently published blog post. Again, the increased traffic to your posts allows you to rank higher on search engines.

When you create your emails, be sure to include a call-to-action that encourages readers to click through to your website.

Helps You Collect Feedback

Keeping a pulse on the customer experience is critical to the success of your business. It’s what keeps customers interacting, engaging, and purchasing from your brand. 

Email marketing can help you do this. For example, you can send a customer satisfaction survey to get customer feedback. For instance, you could send a follow-up email asking their opinion after a customer completes a class. 

Increased Leads

Not only do emails help you retain your current customer base, but they could help you bring in new ones.

For instance, let’s say a lead downloads a lead magnet from your site. Then, you can send drip emails that show the value your business can bring. The end goal would be your lead going from a prospect to a customer.

Email marketing platforms enable you to identify promising leads, so you’re not wasting your time on dead leads. 

How Does Email Stack Up Against Other Marketing Types?

The majority of businesses use a combination of marketing tactics to promote business. Of course, each marketing medium is effective in its own way, but how does email stack up in comparison?

Email Vs. Social Media Marketing

Email Vs. Social Media Marketing

Do consumers prefer social media marketing over email? Check out some of these facts:

More consumers use email. More social media users are deleting their accounts due to growing privacy concerns. But almost all adult consumers use email — 90 percent of the U.S. population to be exact. In fact, the number of email users is projected to grow in 2022.

Email Instills Confidence. Speaking of privacy concerns, about 49 percent of consumers aren’t confident about how social media platforms secure their data. However, 66 percent of U.S adults feel very confident that their email providers will keep their information secure.

Higher ROI. About 80 percent of marketers say that email marketing is their most significant driver of customer retention in comparison to social media. For every $1 spent on email marketing, $38 is earned.

And 52 percent of marketing professionals say that assessing ROI from social media marketing is a challenge.

Email Vs. Paid Advertising

Paid advertising has been around longer than email, but email can yield more results for fitness businesses:

Greater ROI. Businesses only earn an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend on paid ads. Part of the reason could be that only about 8 percent of ads are noticed.

Consumers Are Opposed to Ads. 64 percent of consumers say that most digital ads are annoying and intrusive. 

Email Vs. Text Message Marketing

Both email and text messaging are two powerful marketing channels. And they’re both suitable for different types of marketing messages.

More Interaction. While text messages are shorter and more personal, email marketing allows for more brand recognition, engagement, and interaction.

Increased Versatility. You’re limited to just 160 characters with text messages. So, you don’t have much room to create detailed content. 

However, you can include as much content as your heart desires with emails. For instance, you can highlight multiple products or features in a single, dynamic email, increasing click-through rates and sales.

Cost-Efficient Than Texts. SMS campaigns can cost per text, depending on regional charges and carrier rates. 

On the other hand, email marketing platforms don’t charge per email sent — costing you less money.

Builds More Trust. Although consumers nowadays welcome text messages from brands, sending texts too often or at the wrong time could turn your customers off. 

Since email is a less personal medium, there’s a decreased chance of your audience getting annoyed with messages.

Email Marketing for Fitness Businesses: Trends for 2022

To get the most out of your health club email marketing strategy, you must keep up with the trends and predictions. Here are three email marketing trends to help keep your strategy current:

Integrating Interactivity

Static emails are becoming a thing of the past. If you want customers to interact with your emails, you have to make them engaging. And interactivity is one of the top things that will help improve your emails’ performance. 

Interactive emails include the following elements:

  • Carousels of images readers can swipe
  • Videos
  • Sliders users can operate
  • Games for readers to play

Interactive features make your emails enticing and encourage subscribers to look forward to future emails.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence continues to have a strong presence in marketing. It helps you deliver more tailored experiences for your subscribers. You can analyze thousands of data points and identify meaningful insights with AI. 

In 2022, be on the lookout for technology and updates that incorporate more artificial intelligence. 

Our fitness industry marketing platform combines artificial intelligence to enable you to capture qualified leads and automate your email campaigns.

More Focus on Mobile Experience

Users open 66 percent of emails on mobile devices. And more people use their inboxes to filter through email to see which are worth their time. This shift to mobile means that you must ensure that your emails are responsive on mobile devices.

Also, be sure to keep the mobile user in mind when you design your emails. Your emails should be skimmable and clutter-free. 

If you want your emails to be relevant and readable in 2022, deliver a positive mobile experience for subscribers.

5 Email Marketing Templates for Fitness Gyms & Trainers

Whether you’re looking for the best way to welcome new clients or celebrate current customers’ achievements, gym email templates are a great place to look for inspiration. 

Check out five health club email marketing ideas:

1. Welcome Email

The welcome email is one of the most common automated emails for health clubs. And according to Experian, open emails are opened 57.8 percent of the time, compared to 14.6 percent of regular promotional emails.

You send a welcome email after someone signs up for a gym membership. Trigger emails like these gain your customers’ trust and show that you value their service. 

And since this email is more likely to be opened, don’t hesitate to include a call to action that points them to more resources.

Check out an example below from ClassPass 

Constant Contact

Source: Constant Contact

Here’s a sample template to get you started:


We’re happy to welcome [BUSINESS NAME] family. You’re now a part of an inclusive community of fitness lovers. 

Our team is dedicated to offering you the best experience to live a healthy and happy life. To learn more about us and what we offer, check out our blog.


We can’t wait to see what you’re going to achieve!

2. Class Reminder Email

Reduce class cancellations with a reminder email. This automation series increases group class attendance and enhances the customer experience. 

A gentle reminder shows that you care about your members’ fitness goals. Not to mention, it keeps them motivated.

Here’s a sample template for a class reminder email:


Don’t forget your [CLASS] on [DATE] at [TIME].

I can’t wait to see you there! 

Need to cancel? No problem. Simply click [LINK]

3. Post Workout Emails

A post-workout email is another one that is simple to automate. Not to mention, it helps keep members motivated and engaged. This automation series is designed to help members feel a sense of accomplishment.

After members finish a class, they will receive an email congratulating them on their hard work. It also gives customers the chance to provide feedback on the class and highlight areas of improvement.

DailyBurn is a great demonstration of an awesome post-workout email. It also includes a call to action that encourages readers to visit their website for a new challenge.

Diane Biosotti

Source: Diane Biosotti

Here’s a sample template for a post-workout email:

You did it, [MEMBER FIRST NAME]!

Great work in [CLASS] — you crushed it. We would love to hear your feedback on how we can help you reach your fitness goals.


Keep up the good work!

4. Engaging an Inactive Member

Email marketing is an awesome tool for re-engaging inactive members. You can also use this as n opportunity to reach out with offers, valuable content, and motivation to reignite their fitness goals.

Ensure to personalize your emails and send relevant content. For example, if an inactive customer has signed up for ZUMBA classes in the past, including a link to sign up for similar classes.

Here’s a sample win-back email template:


We miss you!

Since your last visit, we’ve added exciting new classes and programs. 

Check out our schedule of ZUMBA classes. 


Ready to jump right in? Reserve your spot today [LINK]

5. Milestone Emails

Recognize members’ amazing progress with a milestone email. A milestone represents when a customer at your gym reaches a certain achievement or class attendance. 

It can also mark the length of their membership at your gym or congratulate them for a fantastic attendance over a period of time.

For example, Peloton sends emails on the anniversary of customers’ memberships. They even include stats to show their accomplishments over the past year.

Really Good EmailsSource: Really Good Emails

Here’s how to create your own milestone email:


Congrats on another incredible year with [BUSINESS NAME]. We’re so happy to have you as a part of our community.

To celebrate, here’s a look at your year with us. 


Here’s to an amazing year. Show off your hard [LINK TO SHARE STATS]

Wrap Up on Email Marketing in 2022

Despite advancements in other communication channels like SMS messaging and social media, email remains one of the most effective ways to generate business. 

It allows you to deliver the right content to the right person at the right time. This level of personalization is engaging and garners an amazing return on investment.

One of the reasons email marketing gains such a great return is that it allows you to segment your audience and highlight qualified leads. But, of course, this isn’t possible without artificial intelligence tools.

Contact us today to schedule a demo of our fitness industry marketing automation tool.