Gleantap + MIndbody

Elevate Your Wellness Management with Gleantap and Mindbody integration.

Embrace the future of wellness business management with Gleantap and Mindbody. This powerful integration combines Gleantap’s intelligent customer engagement and automated messaging with Mindbody’s comprehensive wellness business software.


One amazing CRM platform to manage your entire sales & customer engagement in one place.

Visual Customer Journey Builder.

Advanced Segmentation for Precise Targeting.

Multi-Channel Engagement with Emails, Text, Phone, Direct Mail.

Pipeline, Leads & Task Management.

Survey, Forms & Landing Pages.

Reviews Monitoring & Response.

Never miss a sales opportunity.

Automate lead engagement and follow-ups across multiple channels – email, text, phone & never miss on any sales opportunity ever. Gleantap enables you to drive more conversions, increase sales productivity and have better visibility across your entire funnel.

Automate everything.

Design powerful customer journeys with automated SMS, email campaigns and tasks for your team. Use member behavior to drive personalized touch points and drive more engagement and conversions.

Get super precise with your targeting and better understand your customers.

Gleantap lets you easily break your customer lists with any rules using profile attributes or behavior. Stack multiple rules to get seriously granular with your targeting and use that to trigger campaigns or automations.

Ready to get started?

Let’s schedule a live demo with our sales team.