First Austin Customer Success Meet-Up in the Books

Thursday evening, Gleantap hosted the first Austin customer success meet-up of the year. Professionals from multiple industries were in attendance to learn about customer success and what that means in 2017.

The Customer Success Meet-up group was started by Strikedeck in the bay area as a way to learn from other professionals. We were joined by Strikedeck CEO and Co-founder Shreesha Ramdas who was integral in helping Gleantap start the Austin chapter.

Our first speaker, Dan Koellhofer, offered us his insights on Thinking Massive in B2B Customer success. As Chief Innovation Officer at First Advantage, Dan knows a thing or two about customer success, having been in the field for many years.

Austin customer success

After his presentation, Koellhofer fielded questions from attendees and helped them to better understand what they, as customer success professionals, can be doing better for their customers.

Our second speaker, Adam Patrick, walked us through Customer Engagement and Retention for a B2C Company. Adam is a friend of Gleantap and the Director of Customer Engagement at United Planet Fitness, one of the largest Planet Fitness franchises in the nation.

Customer Engagement

Adam walked us through how United Planet Fitness has been able to harness the powers of customer success tools like Facebook, SMS marketing, and more to engage their customers on a new level. Patrick was also able to field questions at the end about where he sees the world of customer engagement and retention heading.

We would like to thank Shreesha for his help starting the Austin chapter, Dan and Adam for sharing their knowledge, and all the attendees who brought their own perspectives to the conversation.

If you are interested in the Austin Customer Success Meet-up, we are planning on having one every quarter, so don’t miss out on the next one! Please reach out to Nathan Ellwood ( for more information on attending.

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