

Don’t Fall for These Common Scam Text Messages

Don’t Fall for These Common Scam Text Messages

Scam text messages are quite a privacy intrusion and can create chaos for you. Let’s dive into what scam text messages are.
Fitness Motivation at Your Fingertips: Using Text Messaging to Stay on Track

Fitness Motivation at Your Fingertips: Using Text Messaging to Stay on Track

Text messaging is usually associated with using an SMS to target an opted-in contact list and share promotional information with them.
Stay on Top of Customer Feedback with Review Management Software

Stay on Top of Customer Feedback with Review Management Software

Review management is a vital component of online reputation management.
The Benefits of Using Group Text Services for Businesses

The Benefits of Using Group Text Services for Businesses

Group texting is one of the most popular and effective ways to reach out to customers and prospects and market your products or services.
Text Message Reminders: The Easy Way to Stay on Track

Text Message Reminders: The Easy Way to Stay on Track

Text message reminders are messages used to alert a person about something that will happen in the future.
How to Segment Your Opt-In Text List for Better Targeting and Results

How to Segment Your Opt-In Text List for Better Targeting and Results

Opt-in text or SMS list segmentation is when you segment your SMS list into categories.
Maximizing Your Group Text Service: Tips and Tricks

Maximizing Your Group Text Service: Tips and Tricks

Sending a group text can be a powerful and easy way to provide information to multiple people simultaneously.
Maximizing ROI with Text Marketing Software

Maximizing ROI with Text Marketing Software

Using a text marketing software can help take advantage of those hours to maximize the ROI of your text message marketing campaigns.
Revolutionize Your Sales Strategy with CRM Automation

Revolutionize Your Sales Strategy with CRM Automation

CRM software works like a digital filing cabinet. It will help you arrange all of your rich data into a single place.
Marketing Your Gym Business: Strategies That Work

Marketing Your Gym Business: Strategies That Work

A digital marketing strategy is essential for helping your gym business stay relevant and competitive.
Gleantap vs. GymSales

Gleantap vs. GymSales

In light of this, we decided to look at Gleantap and GymSales, both customer engagement tools. We did a deep dive into each platform’s features to determine which is best for businesses like gyms to use to manage clients and marketing efforts.